in the Oerth Saga:
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On this page, we will have evolving character
profiles of each character who appears in each book of the saga.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and descriptions.
Characters of
The Last God
Book I of the Oerth Saga
(in order of appearance)
Merle Mousefinder - A sweet little mustie
of the Wild Wood, Merle is also a dangerous little
preadator in her own right, and deadly-accurate with her
sling. Merle is also very smart and imaginative, and has
created several inventions. Her best friend is Tinker, a
mouse of the Wild Wood. |
Tinker - A happy little mouse of the Wild
Wood, his people are allies of the musties, aiding them
by forging the knives and other tools they need, as well
as manufacturing cloth, plaster, and a thousand other
things the musties rely on every day. Tinker is bright,
imaginative, inventive, somewhat shy and terribly sweet.. |
Xaa'ap'Gasha - An enormous, carnivorous
mouse, belonging to the warrior-caste of a people called
'mus'. His people threatened with extinction by an
endless war with a neighboring empire of felines, he has
embarked on a desperate, self-imposed quest to find the
"Little Ones" of ancient legend. |
Byarl Bearkiller - The leader of the
Musties, Byarl is a canny little creature who is far more
than his short stature would seem to indicate. |
Mayor Cooper - The leader of the mice of
the Wild Wood, Cooper is a soft, gentle soul whose quiet
demeanor hides dark secrets. |
O'dmemet'ap'W'mefa - A male mus, in his
mid-twenties, O'dmemet is a lighthearted individual, yet
he is also a fierce warrior and a skilled leader in
battle. He is engaged to be married to Johm'rouh, Xaa's
daughter, despite her condition.. |
W'mefa'ap'Hrasht - A male mus, the father
of O'dmemet. W'mefa is in his fifties, still vigorous and
muscular, but he's developed a small paunch. He is Xaa's
only surviving ally, and in many ways, is his
counterpart. Where Xaa is a master strategist and
warrior, W'mefa is a skilled ruler and diplomat. |
Lameh - A female servant-caste mus, Lameh
is about thirty. She is a bath attendant at Castle
W'mefa, and a skilled masseuse. She is friendly,
open, and also an incredibly good judge of what is really
on a person's mind. |
C'dera'ap'Vhross - A female warrior-caste
mus, Lady Vhross is alone in the world, having lost all
the other members of her family, including her mate and
her sons, to the war. She is a skilled musician and
singer, and passes her time with music. |
Johm'rouh'ap'Xaa - Xaa's daughter,
Johm'rouh is, by the standards of the mus, incredibly
beautiful, with pale white fur and blue eyes. Tragically,
the poisons of the cats left her helpless and mindless. |
Tlahn - An old, servant-caste mus female,
Tlahn is about 80, completely gray, and toothless.
She is, however, still spry and sharp of mind. She
is Xaa's only servant in the first book, and her main
duties involve taking care of Johm'rouh. |
T'Vril of the Clan T'Chang - A female
calico cat, her mate, D'Sparil, was killed by Xaa and she
was made a prisoner of Lord W'mefa. She seems totally
helpless... |
Characters of
Legacy of the Last God
Book II of the Oerth Saga
(in order of appearance)
Shazahd D'Zhin - An ebon-furred tom in
his early thirties who inherited the throne on his
father's death. His mind is as keen and deadly as his
claws, and he has, so far, more than filled his father's
footprints. |
General R'Narr V'nass - Though gray
around the muzzle, R'Narr is still a dangerous foe. His
enormous strength which served him so well as a young tom
has faded somewhat now that he's in his fifties, and the
wounds of battle have taken their toll, but he is still a
powerful and deadly warrior and battle-leader. |
L'Sala T'Masa - This young jellicle
she-cat is a nun of T'Masa Keep, that ancient and honored
edifice which houses much of the cat's accumulated
knowledge and wisdom. She is a Mentalt, one of a select
few of the nuns of T'Masa Keep who have passed the
rigorous mental training necessary to reach this lofty
position. |
Merle Mousefinder - A year older, now,
Merle is up to her ears in work - training airship
pilots, working on her inventions.... In the few quiet
hours available to her, she often finds she misses her
childhood friend, Tinker. More, she wonders if she'll
master the skills necessary to be a good mate to her
chosen love, Xaa. |
Johm'rouh'ap'Xaa - Having awakened from
her poison-induced coma, Johm'rouh now finds herself four
years older, very frail, and sometimes lost in a strange
world of adult needs and responsibilities. Years behind
in her studies, she is helped by Lady Vhross and her
friend, Merle. |
Tlahn - An old, servant-caste mus female,
Tlahn is about 80, completely gray, and toothless.
She is, however, still spry and sharp of mind.
Though no longer Xaa's only servant, she is still his
most important one, as she is charged with caring for
Johm'rouh. |
Farrah Smithsdaughter - Tinker's younger
sister, Farrah is now fourteen, and by the Law of the
Mice, an adult. She has strong and independent spirit,
and the departure of the musties has caused her to lose
faith in the Law of the Mice. She misses her brother very
much, and thinks of him often. |
Smith Forgersson - Tinker's father, Smith
is a strong and handsome little mouse. He has an abiding
and unshakeable faith in the Law of the Mice, yet he
knows that it must change to accommodate their new
situation. The best he can do is push for small changes
in the village council, and hope for the best. |
Bootie Smithsmate - Tinker's mother,
Farrah gets her fire and independent spirit from her.
While Bootie has spent her entire life bowing to the
mandates of the Law of the Mice, over the last two years,
she has come to realize the law is flawed, and has caused
the mice more harm than good. But what to do about it? |
Captain D'Viall - This young tom serves
General R'Narr as his aide-de-camp. D'Viall, his mate and
child have emigrated to the east as one of the many
'disinherited' - and with wit, a good sword-arm and a bit
of luck, he hopes to do better for himself in the Eastern
Hinterlands. |
Xaa'ap'Gasha - Though his lands are
liberated, Xaa finds there is still an enormous amount of
work ahead of him. His castle must be rebuilt, new
vassals must be gathered, and a hundred other tasks of
rulership await. And, as the cats build troop strength,
he knows he will also again be called to war. |
W'mefa'ap'Hrasht - The war with the cats
goes well, now - yet, it isn't over quite yet. Already
there are those who call W'mefa "Emperor"...
But W'mefa refuses such accolades, for the moment. |
O'dmemet'ap'W'mefa - His fiancee cured of
the cat's poisons, O'dmemet looks forward happily to
their immenent marriage while he continues to serve his
father faithfully. |
C'dera'ap'Vhross - Lady Vhross is alone
in the world, having lost all the other members of her
family to the war. When offered the task of helping to
educate Johm'rouh, she accepted - but on the condition
Lord Xaa accept her as his vassal. Yet little does Merle
know C'dera has far more than that on her mind... |
Byarl Bearkiller - The leader of the
Musties, Byarl is a canny little creature who is far more
than his short stature would seem to indicate. His tribe
in a new land, the lands of the mus, Byarl works hard to
help his tribe master the new skills they will need to
not merely survive, but grow. |
Ellie Sharptooth - It isn't easy being
the wife of the chief. There's far more than simply
raising Byarl's sons and keeping his house - Ellie is
also his partner in their relationship, and her advice is
invaluable to him in guiding the tribe. |
Amani of the Blue Wind Clan - An escaped
slave of the cats, Amani is a seer amoung her people,
with mental powers far greater than the ordinary member
of her race. A gentle giant, she has come to the lands of
the mus, following her vision... But where it will lead,
in the end, is still unknown to her. |
Ayori Treeclimber - Ayori is widely
respected amoung the musties as one of their greatest
hunters. At age twenty, upon moving to the Laughing Wood,
Ayori decided to build his own house, rather than live in
his parent's house again - but he has yet to ask someone
to share his new home and his life. |
Bessie Onestone - Bessie received her
'adult name' after she went out hunting one day with only
one sling-stone, and came back with a rabbit. Bessie is
funny, pretty, and a phenomenal shot with a sling and
with a mustie-rifle, and several young males of the
village have their eye on her. |
T'Zama T'Mrr - Clan-leader of the T'Mrr
clan, T'Zama rules her vassals and her lands though a
combination of wit, guile, and Art of Manipulation.
T'Zama brought her clan to the west to take advantage of
the war with the mus and obtain additional lands - much
of the T'Mrr lands in the west once belonged to Xaa. |
Jamat'ap'K'jahk - Jamat is a
warrior-caste mus in his mid-twenties, left without lands
and without a lord by the destruction of Clan H'bah by
the T'Mrr. Having been accepted by Lord Xaa, he is
fanatically loyal to him. |
Gnatchok'ap'J'dar - A vassal of Lord
W'mefa, Gnatchok was struck in the throat by an arrow a
year before. Though he survived his wound through the
skills of Master Healer Ead'xas, sadly, Gnatchock did not
regain the use of his voice, and now is reduced to
speaking in whispers. |
Y'dahk'ap'Vahk - Another warrior-caste
mus left landless and clanless by the war with the cats,
Y'dahk was one of the first to warriors to enter Xaa's
service after the liberation of Castle Xaa. Y'dahk has a
keen wit, a stout heart, and is a skilled battle-leader. |
Characters of
Ayre of the Last God
Book III of the Oerth Saga
(in order of appearance)
L'Valin T'Masa - A shattered wreck,
L'Valin has been reduced by the tortures of the Shazad
from the powerful and respected young mentalt that she
was to a simple drug-addicted street whore. Her life is
destroyed, and her soul hollow and empty. She has nothing
left... |
The Black Stallion - Who is he? What is
he doing in the feline city of Raldad, far in the Eastern
Hinterlands? Where is he going? These are the questions
L'Valin, the Black Stallion's companion, has for him -
but they are questions he cannot answer, as he is mute,
like all the horses. |
Smith Forgersson - Tinker's father, Smith
is a strong and handsome little mouse. Smith and fifty of
the other mice have split off from the Mice of the Wild
Wood, and now live in their own village on Lord Xaa's
lands under the New Law of the Mice. But, will they find
happiness in their new home? |
Bootie Smithsmate - Tinker's mother,
Farrah gets her fire and independent spirit from her.
Much of Bootie's time is spent raising her young son,
Little Tinker, yet she is still the calm, quiet voice
that Smith turns to for advice - and as such is one of
the guiding spirits of Smith's Village. |
Farrah Smithsdaughter - Tinker's younger
sister, Farrah is now ffifteen. In Farrah, the new future
of the mice can be easily seen. No longer will the
females be tied to a restricted life of supporting their
mates - there simply isn't enough skilled adults to
divide the work by gender, as the Old Law once decreed |
Amani of the Blue Wind Clan - Amani is a
seer amoung her people, with mental powers far greater
than the ordinary member of her race. A gentle giant, she
has come to the lands of the mus, following her vision...
And a grand and glorious vision it is, not merely for her
people, but for all the races of Oerth. |
Xaa'ap'Gasha - Noble mus-lord and once
again King of his own lands, Xaa now turns his attention
to rebuilding that which years of warfare have taken from
him - his lands, his vassals, indeed, his entire life.
Yet, can he balance these enormous responsibilities and
still maintain his relationship with Merle, his beloved? |
General R'Narr V'nass - R'Narr, The
Overlord of the East, now faces an enormous challenge -
can he defeat Shazad D'Zhin and sieze the throne,
insuring a future of peace for his people? Even if he
can, will his mate survive the inevitable revenge T'Zama
T'Mrr will enact for R'Narr's slaying of her son? |
L'Sala T'Masa - Ejected from her order in
T'Masa Keep, L'Sala has given up her friends, her family,
her honor, everything of value to her - and all for the
love of R'Narr. Yet, can she prove herself worthy of him,
by defending the castle while he seeks the throne? |
Merle Mousefinder - Now seventeen, Merle
follows her beloved to his ancestral home, hoping to
build her new life there. Yet, with Johm'rouh's schooling
complete and the mus now training their own pilots, there
is little for her to do in her new home... And
memories of Tinker are still fresh in her mind... |
D'Main T'Mrr - This young tom's polished
exterior, like his mirror-polished breastplate, conceals
the truth that lies beneath. Trained by his mother to use
the Art of Manipulation to take advantage of his
erstwhile lovers, can D'Main succeed in avenging his
brother without losing his heart? |
R'Zin V'Mith - Lord of Clan V'Mith,
R'Zin's macho facade hides a dark secret - a secret he
shares with D'Main. Though drawn through D'Main's
Manipulation to aid clan T'Mrr, R'Zin is far more than a
helpless pawn. He has his own plans for the spoils of
Castle V'Nass - plans that may or may not include
D'Main... |
Ayori Treeclimber - Widely respected
amoung the musties as one of their greatest hunters,
Ayori spends most of his time with Amani, whom he loves
deeply. He knows she loves him deeply in return, but is
their combined love strong enough to overcome their
differences? Ayori does not know. |
Lord D'Viall - Now seneshal of Castle
R'Narr, D'Viall works to serve his lord and lady as best
he can. Yet, will his skill in the Art of War be enough
to help them survive the impending siege? D'Viall can
only hope he will be up to the challenge, for his life
and the life of his family depends on his success. |
Shazahd D'Zhin - An ebon-furred tom in
his early thirties, whose mind is as keen and deadly as
his claws. Faced now with the prospect of a rebellion led
by one of the finest generals in the land, D'Zhin will
need all his cunning to win. But will his own ego be his
worst enemy? |
Naien of the Dark Flame Clan - A seer of
her clan, Naien is deeply in love with Aijou, though
they've never touched. Faced with the vision of Aijou
being killed, she has helped him escape slavery, and
hopes to join him in the lands of the mus - but what will
happen between Aijou and L'Valin she does not know. |
C'dera'ap'Vhross - Lady Vhross is alone
in the world, having lost all the other members of her
family to the war. She is Merle's best friend and closest
confidant - and she respects Merle more than she can
express. But will Merle hold true to her word? Only time
will tell... |
T'Zama T'Mrr - Clan-leader of the T'Mrr
clan, T'Zama rules her vassals and her lands though a
combination of wit, guile, and Art of Manipulation.
Furious at R'Narr's slaying of her son, D'Larin, she
plots revenge against R'Narr... |
Byarl Bearkiller - The leader of the
Musties, Byarl is a canny little creature who is far more
than his short stature would seem to indicate. His tribe
in a new land, the lands of the mus, Byarl works hard to
help his tribe master the new skills they will need to
not merely survive, but grow. |
Ellie Sharptooth - It isn't easy being
the wife of the chief. There's far more than simply
raising Byarl's sons and keeping his house - Ellie is
also his partner in their relationship, and her advice is
invaluable to him in guiding the tribe. |