The Mage Trilogy
(c)1999, 2002 Jim Farris, All Rights
It is another Time, on
another World...
A world of Magic...

On this world, over sixteen centuries ago,
a vast civilization once thrived...

And within this ancient and powerful
civilization, a great Battle-Mage known as Eddas Ayar
The mightiest of the Hyperborean

But now, ages later, the Hyperboreans are
long gone...
Their greatest buildings are little more
than broken rubble poking out from centuries of overgrowth.

New civilizations have arisen - and new
And within his tomb beneath the earth, the
spirit of Eddas Ayar, held within an enchanted crystal vial,
slept on...
Until, one day, a half-elf thief entered
the tomb, intending to rob it of it's treasures.
Eddas, rising from the sleep of ages,
steals her body, and enters the world...

And thus begins the Mage Trilogy, an epic
saga of a man trapped in a situation he cannot escape..
...faced with a destiny he cannot avoid...

...and compelled to strive forward into a
future which must remain unknown to him...

The Mage Trilogy will be available soon
from DiskUs Publishing. E-mail
for the latest information on price and availability.