Part 2


1 William Terrell Lewis, Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America,  
  (Louisville, KY, The Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., 1893). 
2 Neil D. Thompson, Ph.D.,LL.B.,F.A.S.G.,C.G., The Family of  
  Bartholomew Stovall, (Stovall Family Association, Inc., 1993), Vol.
  1 and 2. 
3 William Terrell Lewis, op. cit., p. 210. 
4 Wm. T. Lewis Papers, Alabama State Archives, Montgomery, AL, Boxes
  121 and 122, 7N, Range 13, Section 3, Shelf C. 
5 Michael L. Cook, C.G., Pioneer Lewis Families, (Evansville, IN, Cook
  Publications, Inc., 1978-1986), 1-5. 
6 Robert J. C. K. Lewis, letter dated 18 Nov 1992. 
7 Wiilliam Terrell Lewis, op. cit.. p. 56 
8 William Terrell Lewis, op. cit., p. 56 
9 The National Society of Colonial Dames, Parish Register of St.  
  Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia 1680 - 1787, pp. 19,20 
10 Robert J. C. K. Lewis, Lewis Patriarchs of Early Virginia and  
   Maryland, Third Edition, (Bowie, Maryland, Hertiage Books, Inc.) p
11 Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis, Tidewater Virginia Families,  
   (Baltimore, MD,Genealogical Publishing Co., 1989), pp. 267-274. 
12 Virginia Grants and Patents 15:356. 
13 The Handy Book for Genealogists, (Logan, UT, The Everton Publishers,
   Inc., 1989), Seventh Edition, p. 301. 
14 Michael F. Doran, Atlas of County Boundary Changes in Virginia,  
   1634-1895, (Atlanta, GA, Iberian Publishing Co., 1987), p. 23. 
15 Chester R. Johnson, Albemarle County, Virginia, Surveyor's Book 1,
   Part 1, 1744-1755, (Hurst, TX, 1997), p. 26-7. 
16 William Waller Hening, Statutes at Large in Virginia, (Samuel  
   Pleasants, Jr., Printer to the Commonwealth, 1814), 4:42. 
17 Vestry Book, St. Ann's Parish, Albemarle Co., VA, 1772-1785;  
   Overseers of the Poor Book, Albemarle Co., 1786-1815. [This ledger
   is in the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, and has been  
   microfilmed for sale.] 
18 Rev. Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, (Bridgewater, VA, C
   J. Carter, Co., 1901, reprinted 1964 ), p. 255. 
19 John Hammond Moore, Albemarle, Jefferson's County, 1727-1976,  
   (Charlottesville, VA, The Albemarle County Historical Society by the
   University of Virginia, 1976), p. 39. 
20 International Genealogical Index, Virginia,(Salt Lake City, UT, The
   Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1993). 
21 International Genealogical Index, South Carolina, (Salt Lake City,
   UT, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1993). 
22 Viola C. Floyd, Lancaster County Tours, (Lancaster, SC, Lancaster  
   County Historical Commission, 1956). 
23 David Hachett Fischer, Albion's Seed, (New York and Oxford, Oxford
   University Press, 1989),p. 281. 
24 Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1765-
   1769, Vol. I, 1765, Chap. 16, "Of the Rights of Persons, p. 447. 
25 Fischer, op. cit., p. 299. 
26 Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis, Tidewater Virginia Families,  
   (Baltimore, MD, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989), p. 271. 
27 Hening, op. cit., V:411. 
28 D.A.R. Patriot Index, Centennial Edition, (Washington, D.C., N. S.,
   D. A. R., 1994), 2:1791. 
29 Lyman C. Draper, Calendar of Tennessee and King's Mountain Papers,
   (Madison, WI, The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1929),  
30 Edward McCready, The History of South Carolina in the Revolution,  
   (New York, The McMillan Company, 1902), 2:114. 
31 A. S. Salley, The Boundary Line Between North Carolina and South  
   Carolina, (Columbia, S.C., Historical Commission of South Carolina,
   1929), 10:30. 
32 W.P.A., The Spartanburg Unit of the Writers Program, (1940), A  
   History of Spartanburg, contains a map drawn from Robert Mills,  
   Engineer and Architect, Atlas of South Carolina,(1825), reproduced  
   by Charles E. Lee, Dir., South Carolina Archives Dept., (Columbia,  
   SC, 1965), reprinted 1976. 

David Lewis Jr. was born about 1726 in Hanover Co., VA.  WTL p. 61
15 Sep 1741 On the petition of David Lewis, --- , David Lewis Junr., 
   -- , William Lewis, --- leave is granted them to clear a road from 
   the Secretary's ford to the D. S. tree and that the petitioners be 
   exempt from working on any other road.
   Goochland Co., VA, Court Order Book 5:3-4
20 Mar 1743  March Court 1743
   The pet. of John Woodson Junr. agst. David Lewis is dismissed, being
   Goochland Co., VA, Court Order Book 5:348
20 Sep 1743   Sept. Court 1743 
   The petition of John Thrasher agst. David Lewis Junr. is dismissed,
   no prosecution.
   Goochland Co., VA, Court Minute Book 5:278
About 1744 David Jr. married Rebecca Stovall who was b. about 1726 in
   Henrico Co., VA, dau. of George and Elizabeth Stovall, NDT p. 51  
   [Marriage date estimated from birth date of Rachel.]
About 1745 Rachel Lewis was born, m. Henry Graves.  NDT p. 53
About 1747 Prudence Lewis was born, m. her cousin, Thomas Stovall.  
   NDT p. 53, 130.
About 1749 Mildren Lewis was born, m. _______ Hail(e).  
   NDT p. 53. WTL p. 198 says she m. Mr. Hale.  
   This article suggests she m. William Haild.  William Haild received
   a bequest from the will of her father.
4 May 1750 David Lewis of Albemarle Co. to David Lewis of same, for the
   natural love and affection, 200 acres in St. Annes Parish of  
   Albemarle Co., on branches of Moors Creek - - - being part of a  
   greater tract granted to David Lewis by patent - -  David Lewis seal
   Wit: John Lewis, Wm. Terrell Lewis, Joel Lewis                     
   On 4 May 1750 livery & seisin was given by David Lewis Senr. to  
   David Lewis Junr.                                David Lewis seal
   Recorded in Court 8 May 1750                 
   Albemarle Co., VA, Wills and Deeds 1:176-7
[Albemarle deeds are missing from 1753 through 1757.]
8 Nov 1758 David Lewis of St. Anns Parish to Richard Wood of same,  
   _____ acres on branches of Ivey Creek for 20 L, Rebecca, wife of  
   David, consented
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds 2:70-1
12 Sep 1759 John Lockhart of St. Anns Parish to David Lewis of same, 
   250 acres on branches of Ivey Creek for 60 L current money
   Margaret, wife of John, relinquished her dower.
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds 2:172-3
6 May 1760 David Lewis of St. Anns Parish to Benjamin Taylor of same,
   100 acres on branches of Ivey Creek and Hardware, for 20 L 
   current money, part of a tract granted to James Wood and sould(sic)
   to Thomas Lockhart.  Rebecca, wife of David, relinquished dower 8 
   May 1760.
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  2:228-9
  May 1760 David Lewis Jr. of St. Anns Parish to John Coffee Jr., 90 
   acres on Michim's River and Ivey Creek, for 45 L, being part of a 
   tract of land granted to James Wood and sold to Thomas Lockhart.  
   Rebecca, wife of David relinquished dower 8 May 1760. 
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  2:227-8  
17 Mar 1762 Bond of David Lewis Jr. of Albemarle Co. to Thomas Gordon
   and John Hay for debt, 
   wit. Robert Baine and Thomas Smith
   Albemarle  Co., VA, 1762 Court folder
30 Jun 1762 David Lewis Jr. and Rebecca his wife of St. Anns Parish to
   Alexander Baine of Henrico Co., merchant, a parcel of land whereon 
   David Lewis and his wife now reside, 200 acres.    David Lewis seal
   Ackn. in court 8 Jul 1762 by David and Rebecca   Rebecca Lewis seal
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  3:199-201 
30 Jun 1762 David Lewis Jr. sold to Alexander Baine merchant of Henrico
   Co., for 150 L, 4 negros, 9 cattle, 40 hogs, 5 horses, 4 feather  
   beds and a walnut desk.  ackn in court 8 Jul 1762
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  3:201-2
5 Jul 1762 David Lewis Jr. of St. Anns Parish, witness to a deed.
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  3:189
8 Jul 1762  (see 30 Jun 1762.) This is the date of the last record  
   where Rebecca was known to be living.  A short time after this David
   Jr. married Elizabeth Lockhart.
10 Jul 1762 Order to arrest David Lewis the younger to answer the suit
   of John Hay for debt.
   Albemarle Co., VA, 1762  Court folder
17 Jul 1762 David Lewis and Richard Wood summoned as witnesses in suit
   of Alexander Jameson against William Gresson for debt dtd 8 Dec 1761
   Albemarle Co., VA, 1768 Court folder 
23 Jul 1762 David Lewis of St. Anns Parish, Albemarle Co., appointed  
   Alexander Baine of Henrico Co., his attorney to recover from  
   several persons the sums of money or tobacco listed by their names  
   which are now due and owed to him/        Dated 23 Jul 1762.      
                                                David Lewis Junr. seal
NAME             COUNTY          AMOUNT
Samuel Arnall	Albemarle     11L / 15sh / 10p / 3f	
William Beck	Albemarle      3L / 16sh /     / 1/2 p
David Branham	Goochland	  /  6sh /  4p	
Alexander Patten   do	          /  5sh /  5p
Joseph Alley	Amherst	       3L /  6sh / 10p / 1/2 p	
Alexander Wallace  do	          / 12sh /  5p / 1/2 p
Thos. Alexander	Albemarle	  /  6sh /  1p / 1/2 p	
Richard Dollins	   do          1L /  3sh /  1p / 1/2p
Geo. Brackanridg   do	          /  11sh 	
Richard Gilliam	   do          1L /  8sh / 11p
George Davis	   do	          /  8sh /  2p / 1/2 p	
John Woods Solomon do          1L /  2sh /  1p
George Berry       do          2L / 18sh /  4p / 2 penny
Benjamin Wheeler   do             / 10sh /  6p / 1f
James Lecky	Amherst        1L /  6sh /  9p	
Jeremiah White     do          2L /      /  8p / 1/2 p
Edmund Tillie	Albemarle	  / 15sh /     /  3f 	
Capt. Thos. Martin do	          /  9sh /  4p / 1/2 p
Jas. Coffee Gent.  do          9L / 14sh /  3p / 3f	
Wm. Woods   Cove   do          8L / 16sh /  5p / 1/2 p
David Kinkead	   do          1L / 16sh 	
Stephen Martin Senr. do	...........................
Thos. Carpenter	Amherst        1L /      /  3p	
David Cook	   do   	  / 19sh /  8p 
Wm. Forbes	   do             /  7sh /  2p 	
William Austin     do          1L / 11sh /  8p / 1/2 p
Wm. Grason	Albemarle      10L/  3sh /  9p / 3f 	
Thomas Fitzpatrick do          1L / 15sh /  2p
Dav'd Glen	   do           3L/ 17sh / 11p / 1/2 p	
Edward Walker	   do           2L/  5sh /     /  1f
Jos. Kinkead	   do	...........................
James Heard	   do	        1L                 
John Lewis M son   do	...........................
Thomas Griffin	   do	        2L / 7sh / 11p
Robert Loggen	   do           1L /17sh / 10p /  3f
Laurance Smith 	   do   	2L / 3sh /  4p
William T. Lewis   do	        9L /10sh /  7p	
Bradley Berry      do   	4L / 17sh
Nicholas Moran	   do           6L / 14sh /  1p /  3f 
David Graves	   do   	1L / 17sh /  9p / 1f
Thomas Morrow	   do           6L / 10sh /  4p	
William Carter 	   do   	2L /  8sh /  8p / 1/2 p 
Charles Raigen	   do           5L /  1sh /  7p	
Hezekiah Inman 	   do   	3L /  3sh /  2p / 1/2 p
Hezekiah Rice	   do           6L /  5sh / 10p	
James Harris	   do              /  2sh /  3p / 1/2p
John Bustard	   do	        4L / 16sh /  1p / 1/2 p	
Robert Lewis Jr.   do   	3L /  8sh / 10p / 1/2 p
Henry Terrell	   do           5L /  7sh /   1p
William Masters	   do   	1L / 15sh / 10p
Francis Whelchel   do           3L / 10sh /   6p
Micajah Wheeler	   do              / 19sh /   6p
Jacob Watts	   do           5L / 18sh
John Tiller 	   do   	4L / 17sh /  6p
John Coffee Senr.  do           5L /  7sh /  6p / 1/2 p
Matthew Hughes	   do	        4L /  1sh /  8p / 1/2 p
Abraham Musick	   do              / 11sh /  6p / 1/2 p
Obediah Moore	   do   	1L /  1sh /  8p / 1/2 p
Spencer Rayfeald Amherst	1L /      /  7p	
James Kinkead	   do   	1L /  4sh /  6p
David Thomson	Albemarle	   /  9sh /  2p	
John McKennel	   do   	3L / 10sh /  3p / 1f
Peter Harrison	   do              / 15sh /  7p / 1f 
Solomon Nelson	   do	           /  1sh /  8p
Barthol. Ramsey    do	        5L /  4sh /  2p	
John Small	   do	           /  9sh /  7p / 1/2 p
Robert Fields	   do           1L /  5sh /  7p / 1/2 p
Jams Webb	   do	        7L / 19sh /  7p / 3f
Wm. & Saml. Stockton do         9L /  2sh / 10p	
Owin Crawford	   do	           / 11sh /  7p
Claudious Buster   do 	        3L / 15sh /  7p 
John Leakey        do	           /      /  6p
Thomas Ray	   do	        2L / 17sh /  7p / 1/2 p
William Coursey    do   	4L /  6sh / 11p
Patrick Davis	   do           2L /      /  5p / 3f
David Epperson	   do   	3L / 13sh /  9p
William Coffee     do	        6L /  4sh /  3p	
Robert Miller	   do	           / 14sh /  7p / 1/2p
Joseph Milstead	Amherst	        1L /  4sh /  2p / 1/2 p	
John Bumfries	   do              /  9sh /  3p / 1/2 p
John Martin	   do	        1L / 11sh / 11p / 1/2 p
Burrough Kinkead   do              / 10sh /  7p
William Gragg	Albemarle	2L / 13sh /  4p	
John Fielder	   do   	1L /      / 10p / 1/2p
John Campbell	   do           1L /  6sh /  3p	
John Abner	   do              / 13sh /  9p
Thomas Gray	   do	        1L /  7sh /  1p /  1/2 p
Jas Coleman  Mores do          10L /  3sh /  9p
Charles Yancey	Amherst	           / 15sh /  8p /  3f
Thos. Lankford     do   	2L /      /  7p
Geo. Johnson	Albemarle	   /  8sh /  5p / 1/2 p
Henry Hays         do   	4L /  2sh /  7p / 3f
Thomas Reid	   do           4L / 10sh /  2p / 3f
James Harris	   do              / 12sh /  6p
John Carter	   do          11L /  1sh / 10p / 1f
Moses Susby	   do   	 4L/  9dh /  6p / 1/2p
John Smith	   do           1L /  4sh /  6p / 1/2 p
Charles Evans	   do   	 6L/ 10sh / 11p
Saml. Woods  Mich  do              / 15sh /     /  1/2 p
Abra. Statten	   do	           / 18sh /  8p
Charles Smith      do	        1L / 14sh /  2p	
James Carr	   do              /  8sh /  2p
Jno. Woods, Dav'd son do           /  5sh / 11p	
Matthew Harris	   do	        1L /  3sh /  6p
John Lankford Senr.do              / 10sh /  2p / 1f
Silas Melton	   do	        1L / 19sh /  6p
John Cleveland	Albemarle	1L /      /  1p / 1/2p
Mary Shaw	Albemarle	3L / 12sh /  6p
Benja. Grisom	   do           2L /      /     / 3f
William Pennal	Amherst	        3L /  7sh /  6p
John Maxfield	   do           2L /      /  9p	
Mary Morrow	Albemarle	1L /  8sh /  4p 
John Johnson	   do           5L /      /  9p	
James Glen	   do              /  4sh /  7p
John Blalock	   do           1L /  7sh /     / 1/2p
George Campbell	   do          12L / 13sh /  4p / 1f
Jacob Moon         do           2L / 18sh /  4p	
John Prayer	Amherst	        1L /  1sh /  4p 
Richd. Davenport   do	           /  5sh / 11p	
Richd. Prayer	   do          11L /  7sh /   6p
Thos. Stockton	   do           1L /  4sh /  10p
Julius Webb    Albemarle	4L / 19sh /   4p / 3f
Jas Kinkead Wibe   do	           / 19sh /   9p
Drury Taylor	   do    	4L / 12sh /  10p / 1f
Lazerus Tillie	   do           2L / 13sh /   9p
Robert Alsop	Amherst	        1L /  3sh /   1p
Gabriel Maupin	   do           2L / 16sh /   7p
Robt. McWhorter	   do   	2L /  4sh /   4p
Richd. Stockton	   do              / 10sh / 
John McConnalley   do   	4L /      /   4p / 1/2p
Hezekiah Jones	   do          40L / 18sh /   1p / 1/2p
James Taylor	Albemarle	1L /  4sh /   1p
Richard Alley	   do           9L /  6sh /   8p
John Lankford	   do              / 18sh /
Thos. Benge	   do              /  6sh /  11p / 1f
John Bauge	   do              /  4sh /   6p
Michjah Chiles	   do           2L / 16sh /   3p / 3f
David Dove	   do	           /  9sh /   3p 
John Coffie Jr.	   do          12L / 10sh /   7p / 1f
John Murfie	   do	        1L / 14sh /   4p
Clevld. Coffie	   do           6L /  5sh /  11p / 3f
John Slatten	   do	           /  7sh /   4p / 1/2p
Jas. Coffie (Taylor) do         3L / 17sh /   5p / 3f
John Sasson	   do	        1L / 14sh /      /1/2p
Patrick McDonald   do           5L /  8sh /   7p /  1f
Robt. Mayob	   do              /  8sh /   8p /1/2p
Jos. Fitchpatrick  do           5L / 10sh /   4p
Michale Morrison   do              /  7sh /   3p
Adam Goudelock	   do	        1L /  4sh /   6p / 3f
William Melton	   do   	5L / 18sh /   8p
                                      Recorded in court 13 Aug 1762  
                                      David Lewis Junr. seal
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  3:218-22 
11 Aug 1762 William Lee of Fredericksville Par., Albemarle Co., for  
   18L, 15sh, 10p, current money of VA, which I owe unto David Lewis  
   Junr., sell one ffether bed and bolster, two brown sheeting sheets,
   one spotted rugg and two duth blankets, one red brindle cow, one  
   brindle cow earling, one black cow with a white back one black bull
   calf one dark brown heffer with a white back one gray mair three  
   years old branded on the near buttock thus  two large iron potts one
   pr of pothooks five case knives and forks, one large frying pan,  
   twelve barrows and sows with crop and hole in each ear, likewise the
   above mentioned marked a crop and a hole in each ear, one pr of  
   cotton cards, one quart mug, twelve pewter plates, two pewter pettle
   baisons, three pewter dishes, one linen wheel, one wooling wheal,  
   one meal sifter, one bedstead, one pine pidgen, one pine cooler, two
   seader pales, one sett of shew tools, two weading hoes and all the  
   above mentioned goods by him the said William Lee sould as his own  
   proper goods unto the said David Lewis --, -- void if above sum is  
   paid.                                              William Lee seal
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  3:213-4
10 Sep 1762 Order to attach goods of David Lewis the younger for debt  
   of 343 pounds 2 shillings 8 pence on complaint of debt of John Hay.
   Promissory note of David Lewis Jr. to John Hay dated 28 May 1761.  
   Thomas Gordon wit.
   Albemarle Co., VA,  Court folder 1762
10 Sep 1762 Attachment against David Lewis the younger to pay 203  
   pounds 12 shillings 8 pence.
3 orders to arrest Lewis 14 Jun, 9 Jul, 14 Sep at suit of Thomas Gordon
   and John Hay.
   Albemarle Co., VA,  Court Orders  1762 
9 Dec 1762 John Lockhard of St. Anns Par. to David Lewis of same,  
   merchant,  200 acres for 35 L current money, a parcel of land,  
   beginning upon David Lewis's Junr. line from John Lockhard and David 
   Lockhard's land.  No wife listed.
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds 3:252-3               David Lockhard seal.
11 Apr 1763 George Breckinridge to David Lewis Jr. of St. Anns Parish, 
   200 acres for 40 L current money of VA, on north side of Stockton's 
   branch of Mechim's River.
   Albemarle Co., VA,  Deeds  3:305-6
12 May 1763 Joel Terrell and wife Anne to John Dabney 400 acres, near 
   road from the Blue Ridge to the Court House, Terrell's Ordinary,  
   adjacient David Lewis, Francis Jordan, Moore's Creek branches,  
   William Terrell Lewis, the grantee and David Lewis Jr. 
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deed Bk 3:298
15 May 1763 David Lewis III born in Albemarle Co.  [His Bible record is 
   #27685 in the VA State Library.]  
1763 WTL, p. 198, 199.  He m. Margaret Wood and Margaret Ballenger. 
1764 David Lewis Jr. of Albemarle Co.,  charges for services rendered.
   [This book is missing now. The reason for the charge is not known.]
   Augusta Co., Va,  Court Fee Book, 1764,  p. 114
   Lymon Chalkley, Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlements in  
   Virginia, 1912, p. 401 [The Court Clerk reported in 1996 that this 
   book has been "carried off"].
  Apr 1764 Anthony Winston &c against Alexander Baine &c, [suit for  
   debt] In Chancery
   This day came the Parties by their Counsel and the Defts now filing
   their answer to the Complts Bill on the matter of the said Complt, 
   time is given them 'til next Court to Consider thereof.
   Henrico Co., VA, Court Order Book, 1763-1767, p. 213 
  May 1764  John Hay &c against Alexander Baine and David Lewis,  In  
   This day came the Parties by their Counsel and the Deft's now filing
   their answer to the Complts Bill on the motion of the said compt., 
   same given him 'til next court to consider thereof.
   Henrico Co., VA, Court Order Book 1763-1767, p. 228
10 Jun 1764 Thomas Walker to David Lewis Jr. of  St. Anns Par., 1/2  
   acre, lot #45, in Town of Charlottesville, for 1L, 16sh.
   Albemarle Co., VA, Deeds  4:215  
  Jul 1764  John Hay against David Lewis &c,  In Chancery
   Continued 'til next Court by Consent of Parties.
   Henrico Co., VA, Court Order Book 1763-1767, p. 282 


[Continued in Part 3]


Chester R. Johnson / Fort Worth, TX / cjohnson@fastlane.net