HUGH DONAGHE Part 5 1 Sep 1809 Hugh Donaghe plt against Benja. Landess and John Landess defts In Debt This day came the parties by their attornies and the Deft relinquishing his former Plea saith nothing in proclusion of the pltf action neither as the same in anywise defended. Therefore It is condidered by the court that the pltf recover against the Defendant ten pounds and three pence the debt in the Declaration mentioned with the Interest thereon at six percentum per annum from the 20th day of May 1807 until payment and his costs by him about his suit on this behalf expended and the Deft in mercy & c. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 261 1 Sep 1809 Same Pltf against Same Deft In Debt This day came the parties by their attornies and the Deft relinquishing his former plea saith nothing in proclusion of the pltfs action neither in the same in any wise defended. Therefore It is considered by the court that the pltf recover against the Defendant four dollars the Debt in the declaration mentioned with Interest thereon at aix percentum per annum from the 18th day of May 1807 until payment and his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended & the Deft in mercy & C. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 261 1 Sep 1809 Same pltf against John Book Deft In Debt This day came the parties by their attornies and the Deft relinquishing his former plea saith nothing in proclusion of the pltfs action neither is the same in any wise defended. Therefore It is considered by the court that the pltf recover against the Defendant twenty four pounds three shillings the debt in the declaration mentioned with Interest thereon at six percentum per annum from the 11th day of February 1808 until payment & his costs by him about his Suit in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 161-2 1 Sep 1809 Hugh Donaghe pltf against Wm. McMahan and W. Anderson, James Rankin & David Galladay defts - In debt This day came the parties [ same wording as above except the award] £1543.0.8 the debt etc. But the Judgement is to be discharged by the payment of seven humdred seventy one pounds & with interest thereon at six per centum per annum from the 15th day of February 1807 until payment & the costs. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 262 1 Sep 1809 Same pltf against David Golladay and Geo. Aglou deft. - In debt [The same wording as above except the award] $1000 the debt etc. But the Judgment is to be discharged by the payment of five hundred dollars with interest thereon at six per centum per annum from the 10th day of April 1807 until payment & the costs. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 162 27 Nov 1809 Donaghe vs. Landoss & tc on D B Notice is waived Dfs Called & not appearing Exes awd. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, Vol. 2, 1809-1810, p. 156 27 Nov 1809 Hugh Donaghe Pltf against Benja Landoss John Landoss & Jno. Landoss Defts On a motion for award of Execution on a Delivery Bond This day came the pltf by his attorney It appears to the Satisfaction of the court that the Defendants have had legal notice of this action they were solmnly called but came not Therefore It is considered by the court that the Pltf have Execution against the Defendants for £79.10 the penalty of the said Bond and his costs by him about his motion in this behalf expended But to be discharged by the payment of £14.15.5 1/2 with interest thereon at 6 per centum per annum from the 15 September 1809 until paid and the costs. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 344-5 27 Nov 1809 Hugh Donaghe Pltf against Benja. Landoss Jno Landoss & John Landoss defts [Same wording as above but a different award] $76.32 etc. but to be discharged by the payment of $32.16 with Interest thereon at 6 per centum per annum from the 14th Sept. 1809. until paid & the costs. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 346 5 Dec 1809 Death of Hugh Donaghe 25 Dec 1809 I Hugh Donaghe of the County of Augusta and State of Virginia taking into consideration of life and the which might attend my family was I to die intestate do hereby dispose of the whole of my Estate in manner following to wit: I direct my Executor herein after named to pay all my just Debts and funeral Expenses -- To my beloved wife Anne Donaghe I give the use of the tract of land whereon I live together with that of all my slaves Stocks of every kind farming Utencils household Furniture with all the grain and Stock of Provisions that may be on hand at my Death until my Son William W. Donaghe arrives at the age of twenty one years provided she remains my Widow until that Period -- I or direct my Executors to pay my said Wife one thousand pounds in cash as soon as it with convenience can be collected and also tht proportion of my Estate which I shall herein after direct to be distributed to her and her children when my Lands shall be sold and the money collected.-- I direct my Executors to apply the Interest of one thousand pounds to the separate use of my daughter Elizabeth Campbell to be divided in such manner as they may seem most expediente to promote her comfort & happiness, it being my desire that no part of it may come into the hands or be at the Disposal of her husband Robert Campbell at the death of my said daughter. I direct my Executors to divide the said Sum of one thousand pounds equally betwixt all the children of my said Daughter then living and the Stocks (if there be any) of such usual _ead so so o_ as the said children marry or arrive at the age of twenty one years -- To my son John Donaghe I give the sum of one thousand pounds in cash and also a tract of land joining his own & Rankins containing two hundred and sixty eight acres which land I give to him in fee as his full share there of my estate To my grand son Hugh Donaghe son of James Donaghe deceased I give my tract of land on the north River which I purchased of his father to him and his heirs forever provided he pays each of his two Sisters the Sum of fifty pounds on their marriage or arriving at the age of twenty one years - if either of them should die before either of these contingencies, the Survivor to receive her Sisters part - the land is subjected to the payment of these Sums - - I direct my Executors to pay each of my Grand children who may be alive at my death except the children of my son James the Sum of fifty pounds so soon as they shall severally marry or arrive at the age of twenty one years - if any one ____ of them should die before the happening of the either of the Events, the Legacy or Legacies of such to be divided among the surviving brother & Sisters of such deceased grandchild or grandchildren - - To my son William W. Donaghe I give my tract of land whereon I now live (at his mother's death) to him and his heirs & assigns forever - when my said Son arrives at the age of twenty one years I direct that he may be put into possession of one half of said tract of land and one half of all my Slaves which I hereby give to him and request that my dear Wife may at or before her death divide the other may_y of my Slaves betwixt our other two children Sarah and James at her discretion - - I give to my daughter Sarah Donaghe the tract of land which I purchased of Samuel King to her her heirs & assigns forever - - I give to my son James Donaghe my land lying on the middle river which I purchased of John Story to him his heirs & assigns forever - - after Payment of all my debts of all the Legacies & bequests above mentioned I give to my three youngest children William W. Donaghe Sarah Donaghe and James Donaghe the Sum of two thousand three hundred pounds each my Sons part to be given them as soon as they arrive at the age of twenty one years and my daughters Portion as soon as she becomes of age or married - - I direct that all the residue of my real Estate except what I have disposed of above may be sold by my Executors on such credit and on such Terms as they may deem most advantageous and I direct that Residue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to be money arising from such Sales together with all my personal Estate not posed above above to my wife children & Grand children may be equally divided betwen my wife Anne, my children Wm. W. Donaghe Sarah Donaghe & James Donaghe; my wifes part to be distributed to her as same as the monies can be collected from the Sales aforesaid and my children's parts of this Residue as soon as soon as the same can be recd from ye Sales provided any said two Sons be of age and my daughter of age or married and if at the time my sons are not of age or my daughter not of age or unmarried then it is to be paid to my Sons when they come of age & to my daughter when she comes of age or is married. I direct that my Executors may not draw my money from the Bank but recommend it to them to place more there if it conveniently can be done particularly what may be coming to my young children when they come of age - - Should my dear wife Marry, in that event I give her the choise of two of my Slaves and I direct that the Residue of the property lent her may be thereupon be given to my Executors to be sold and equally divided among her three children by me or the Suvivor of each of them as be at that time. on that event also I direct my Executors to take possession of the plantation of which I have given her the use & one half the Slaves above given to my Wm. W. Donaghe to be kept and employed for the use of my said Son. I direct the property of every kind which I have lent to my Wife to be inventaryed & appraised but not sold - - I direct my Executors to educate my three young children liberally and suitably to the fortune I have given them, to their direction and Guardianship I consider them hoping that my confidence in their Honor and Integrity on executing so Sacred a Trust will not be misplaced. - - I appoint my friend Archibald Stuart and my son John Donaghe Executors of this my last will and Testament which I declare to be such on revocation of all others and direct that my sd. Executors may not be required by court to give Security as my Executor. In witness thereof I have here subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this twenty fifth day of June in the year 1805. Hugh Donaghe This writing was signed by Hugh Donaghe in our presence & we have witnessed it at his request. Charley Kimrey, Chas. D. Penn, M. Coalter VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 10, 1805-1811, p. 325-8 Codicel to will. It having pleased God to call off my dear Wife Anne Donaghe since making the foregoing will, It is my desire and will that all such part of my Estate as to given to relique and wife be equally divided between her three children by me to wit Wm. W. Donaghe, Sarah Donaghe and James Donaghe. Any lands which I have purchased since the date of said will or here after may purchase I direct to be sold by my Executors and conveyed by them to the purchasers according to the direction of my will giving my wife's part of ye Residium to her three children as aforesaid. - - Robert Campbell and family having conducted themselves improperly toward me, I hereby direct that that my Executors shall allow her Elizabeth Campbell the Interest of five hundred pounds during her life for the purposes in my will mentioned and at her death I give the said five hundred to John Donaghe or his children in case of his death the child of my son James Donaghe and my three youngest children that as to ___ each child or their representative in case of death of either an equal part. All such parts of my will as it is inconsistant with this codicil I hereby revoke & declare null & void and this codecil to be considered part of my will. In witness whereof I have xxxxxxx subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 26th day of February 1807. Hugh Donaghe L.S. This writing was signed by H. Donaghe in our presence & we have witnessed it by his request. Eleanor Stuart, Mary P. Hall VA, Augusta Co., Will book 10, 1805-1811, p. 329 The Commonwealth of Virginia to John Wayt & David Parry Gentlemen Justices of Augusta County greeting: Whereas Eleanor Stuart wife of the Hon-ble Archibald Stuart subscribed her name as a witness to the codecil of the will of Hugh Donaghe deceased at the Request of the said Donaghe and in his presence; and whereas the said Eleanor is unable from Sickness to attend our court of our said county to p____ the sd. Codecil as appears from the Records of our said court. These are therefore to commission you to go to the said Eleanor and to examine her on oath whether the said Donaghe was of sound mind and disposing memory: and that you certify us in our sd. court what the said Eleanor may say touching these matters under your hands & Seals return at the same time this Writ. Witness Chesley Kinney Clerk of our said court at the courthouse the 26th day of December 1809 and in the 36th year of the commonwealth. Chesley Kinney In Persuance of the above commission we have met at the house of Archibald Stuart in Staunton on the 26th day of December in the year 1809 whereupon there Eleanor Stuart being first sworn deposed and south(sic) that Hugh Donaghe subscribed & acknowledged in her presence the codecil to which the above commission as a witness in his presence at his request and believes at the time he was of sound mind & memory. Eleanor Stuart Sworn and subscribed on the day and year above written. John Wayt David Parry At a court held for Augusta County on the 25th day of December 1809 The annexed last will and Testament of Hugh Donaghe deced was presented in court and proved by the Oath of Chesley Kinney and Charles Penn two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and is ordered to be recorded. And the codecil annexed to the said will was proved by the Oath of Mary P. Hall who also proved that Eleanor Stuart the other witness to the said codecil was unable to attend this court in consequence of Sickness and that the said Eleanor in her presence and in the presence of the Testator subscribed the same as a witness. Whereupon we ordered that a commission issue to take the examination of the said Eleanor. December 26th - The said codecil which was yesterday proved by the oath of Mary P. Hall a subscribing witness thereto was this day again presented in court and it appearing from the certificate of two of the Justices of this county that the commission yesterday annexed has been duly executed, the court is of openion that the said codecil is now legally proven. It is therefore ordered that the sd. codecil together with the said com-in annexed and the certificate of its Execution be recorded. And on the matter of Archibald Stuart and John Donaghe the Executors named in the aforesaid will who took the oath prescribed by law and returned into and acknowledged separate Bonds on the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars each conditioned as the Law requires. Certificate for Obtaining probate thereof is granted them in due form. Teste Chesley Kinney C.C. VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 10, 1805-1811, p. 329-31 25 Dec 1809 The last will and Testament of Hugh Donaghe decd. was presented in court & proved by the Oaths of Charley Kinney and Charles B. Penn two of the subscribing witnesses thereto & is ordered to be recorded. And the Codicil to the said will was proved by the Oath of Mary P. Hall who alleged that Eleanor Stuart the other Witness to the sd codicil was unable to attend this court on consequence of Sickness & that the said Eleanor in her presence & in the openion of the testator subscribed the same as a Witness. Whereupon it is ordered that a commission issue to take the Examination of the said Eleanor. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 363 26 Dec 1809 The Codecil of the Will of Hugh Donaghe decd. which was yesterday proved by the Oath of Mary P. Hall a subscribing witness was this day presented again in court and appearing from the certificate of two of the Justices of this county that the commission yesterday awarded to take the Execution of Eleanor Stuart the other subscribing witness, has been duly executed; the court is of the Openion that the said Codecil is now legally proven; It is therefore ordered that the sd Codecil together with the sd commission annexed & the certificate of the Examination be recorded. And on the motion of Archibald Stuart and John Donaghe the Executors named in the Will of the sd Donaghe decd., a Certificate is granted them for obtaining Probate of the said Will and codecil in due form, they having executed two separate Bonds in the Penalty of one hundred thousand Dollars cash conditioned as the Law requires & taken the Oath prescribed by law. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 365 26 Dec 1809 The Jury impannelled on the Writ of adquoddamis __ awarded David Golladay having returned their Report It is ordered that the same be recorded and that the said Golliday have leave to _____ a ____ agreable to the sd Report. Memorandum - - when the motion was made for this order Chapman Johnson on behalf of the Executors of the Estate of Hugh Donaghe _____________________. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 365 26 Dec 1809 Ordered that James Allen, Colonel James Allen, Major Alexander Nelson, Poler Hargis & John Walker or any three of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and Slaves if any of Hugh Donaghe decd. and return the appraisment to court. VA, Augusta Co., Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 366 3 Jan 1810 appraisal of estate of Hugh Donaghe by James Allen, Peter Hargis and James Allen Jr. He had 72 slaves, val. $2,600, 12 horses, very many bills against people that were unpaid. VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 12, p. 118-23 1810 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his Exrs.) the same tracts listed in 1803 with one additional a tract of 50 acres, valued at .50/acre, Total Value 25.00, Taxes .11, that was transferred from William Blair's Exrs. 6 Feb 1810 Hugh Donaghe plaintiff against William Bateman defendant - In Covenant The plaintiff having departed this life since the last term, on the motion of the executors of the plaintiff by their attorney a devie facias is awarded them against the defendant returnable here at the next court. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 31, [Vol. 1], 1809-1810, p. 413 1810 Rockingham Co., VA, NW Dist., LT Donahue Hugh 1/2 34 54 260 100 260 00 1.25 1/2 60 94 1810 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Donaghe Hugh Exors 206 100 206 00 99 1/2 50 11/4 240 300 .2 730 70 29200 1.41 4 Apr 1810 Augusta Co., PPT, Dist. 2 Donaghe John 1 wm above 16, 3 blacks above 16, 12 horses, total tax 1.76 20 Jun 1810 Hugh Donaghee 81/2 acres on the South side of the North River between the lands of the said Donaghee & David Galladay in Augusta Co. VA, Augusta Co., Commonwealth's Grants & Patents Book 60, 1809-1810, p. 482 VA Abstracted Patents and Grants, Augusta Co., p. 237 30 Aug 1810 Jones vs. Donaghe Scif. est. agd., on Jno. Donaghe one of the exrs and the services ackd. by the atty for the deft. as to Archd. Stuart the other Exr. It is ordered that the proceedings stand revived? ag. the said exrs. by. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 11 24 Sep 1810 Donaghe's exrs vs. Robert Sanford on an attn Joseph Rankin Spl bail and the cause ordered to the rules. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 17 24 Oct 1810 Donaghe's exrs vs. Bateman now S out awarded Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 30 29 Jan 1811 On the motion of Archibald Stuart and John Donaghe exrs of Hugh Donaghe decd. It is ordered that they be exempted from the payment of the County & parish livere and Tax on Tiller a Slave, the property of the Estate of the said decedent, on account of her old age & infirmity. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 65 25 Feb 1811 Campbell vs. Donaghe's Exrs. By consent a comm. is awarded the Pet. to take the propos. of certain witnesses residing in the State of Kentucky, on giving notice & o. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 72 28 Feb 1811 Donaghe vs Bateman in Cont. The writ of Scifs which was awarded the exrs of the pltf retd. exd. It is rdd that this motion be proceeded in to a final judgment in the names of the said exrs, and that this cause be cond. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 80 19 Mar 1811 Augusta Co., PPT, Dist. 2 Donaghe John 2 wm above 16, 4 blacks above 16, 16 horses, total tax 3.68 Donaghe Hugh 1 wm above 16, 1 horse, total tax 0.12 1811 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his Exrs) the same 17 tracts as listed in 1810 1811 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Donaghi Hugh Exors 206 100 20600 98 561/2 43 22480 1.21 1811 Rockingham Co., VA, Gabriel L. Yancy, LT Donahugh Hugh Exrs 1/2 34 54 260 100 26000 1.25 1/2 60 94 27 May 1811 Painter vs. Donaghe's Exrs By consent the parties by their attys it is ordered that this cause be conte. till the next term. Autgusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 121 27 May 1811 Donaghe's Exrs vs. Balion? By consent the parties by their attys it is ordered that this cause be conte. till the next term. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 122 31 May 1811 Donaghe's Exrs vs. Sanford off Jud set aside payt plead genl repl Issue Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 135 26 Jun 1811 Connelly vs. Donaghe's Exrs on the motion of the Appellant a commn is awarded him to take the depn of Thomas Carr residing in the state of Ohio before two magistrates of the county where said Carr may reside certifying themselves to be such and giving appelent reasonable notice of the time and place of taking the same. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Cook 32, 1810-1812, p. 160 28 Aug 1811 Donaghe's Exrs. vs. Duerson continued by consent. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 183 28 Aug 1811 Donaghe's Exrs vs. Headrick continued by consent. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 183 29 Oct 1811 Pointer vs Donaghes Exrs John Donaghe one of the Exrs having departed this life, It is ordered that this suit abate as to him and it is ordered that a Scifa, be awarded against the other Exr returnable here at the next Term. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 213 29 Oct 1811 Donaghes Exrs vs Bateman The Pltf to whom a new writ was granted on the payment of the costs not having complied with the order It is ordered that a Judgment be granted this Deft agreeable to the verdict of the Jury in this cause. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 213 31 Oct 1811 Donaghe's Exrs vs. Sanford John Donaghe one of the Ptfs Exrs having departed this life It is ordered that this suit abate as to him. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 221 31 Oct 1811 Campbell vs. Donaghe's Exrs off Jud set aside Was issued & contd Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 222 25 Mar 1812 Augusta Co., PPT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh 1 wm above 16, 2 blacks above 16, 5 horses, total tax 1.48 Donaghe Margaret 2 blacks above 16, 5 horses, total tax 1.48 Donaghe Hugh 1 wm above 16, 1 horse, total tax 0.12 1812 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his Exrs.) Same 17 tracts as listed in 1810, plus one new grant Donaghe Hugh 8 1/2 acre, valued at .50/acre, total value 4.25, taxes .02 1812 Rockingham Co., VA, NW Dist., LT Donnagthee Hugh 1/2 34 54 260 100 2600 00 1.25 1/2 60 94 1812 Rockingham Co., VA, LT Donnaghee Hugh heirs 1/2 34 70 260 100 260 00 1__ 1/2 60 125 28 May 1812 Donaghe's Exrs vs Lanford John Donaghe one of the Plaintiffs Exrs having departed this life It is ordered that this suit be revived proceeded in to a final Judgment in the name of the surviving Exr Whereupon came a Jury to try the issue Joined to wit; The same Jury as in the case of Groom vs Johnson who return a verdict for the debt in the Late montd to be discharged by the payment of Forty five shillings damages and on the one Deft by his attorney and for various reasons appearing to the Court a new suit is awarded him and it is ord that the Plt Pay unto the Deft his costs. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 32, 1810-1812, p. 313 27 Aug 1812 Baker vs. Donaghe's Exrs contd Deft Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 18 28 Aug 1812 Campbell vs. Donaghe's Exr cond Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 23 24 Feb 1813 Baker vs. Donaghe exr continued until May court next Donaghe Exrs vs. Duerson continued utill May court next Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 127 24 Feb 1813 Campbell vs. Donaghe Exr cont till May term Augusta Co., Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 128 24 Feb 1813 Burns vs. Donaghe cont until May court next Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 130 24 Feb 1813 Morris vs. Donaghe cont. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 131 25 Feb 1813 Painter vs. Donaghe Exr. Discontinued & judt agreeable to award. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 136 1813 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his Exrs) same 18 tracts as listed in 1812 1813 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Donaghe Hugh Ex Worth ___ 206 100 260.00 1.67 562 40 224.80 1.44 1813 Rockingham Co., VA, Reuben Harrison Comm., LT Donahugh Hugh Estate Deceased Hburg 1/2 34 95 260 " 1/2 60 167 26 May 1813 Campbell vs. Donaghe exr cont. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 174 27 Aug 1813 Donaghe exrs vs. Duerson The scafes heretofore and not being sltd and new scirfas ordered returnable & c Donaghe exrs vs. Headrick same ordered Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 253 27 Aug 1813 Baker vs. Donaghe exr cont. Morris vs. " " " Burns vs. " " " Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 254 22 Nov 1813 Donaghes Exrs vs. Sorrels Jacob Fisher special bail Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 290 22 Nov 1813 Donaghes Exrs vs. Sorrels special bail changed Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 295 24 Nov 1813 Donaghes Exrs vs. Sorrels payment by principal, General replied and issue. Augusta Co., Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 300 24 Nov 1813 Jacob Baker vs Donaghes Exrs - a Jury sworn to try the issue to wit Willian Bradford John Cooper William Herson Charles B. Quin Hugh Hills William Bradford William Hermon Daniel Keith Philip Eagle Peter Eagle Nathaniel Massie & John Cooper having on oath made their excuses for not attending as persons they are severally excused & their fines remitted. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 301 24 Nov 1813 Jacob Baker vs. Donaghes Exrs Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 301 24 Nov 1813 Campbell vs. Donaghe Exrs cond Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 304 26 Nov 1813 Donaghe Exrd vs. Sorrells Jud - - paymt for Secy rep issue & judgt. set aside Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 33, 1812-1814, p. 308 24 May 1814 James Campbell vs H. Donaghes Exrs a Jury sworn to try the issue to wit, the same Jury as in the case of Donaghes Exrs vs Headrick except Samuel Rankin instead of Jacob Baker who find for the Pltf £111.13.8 damages with Int on $100 part there of from 1st Jan 1808 - on $100 from 1st Jany 1809 - on $100 from 1st Nov 1809 & upon $92.29 the remaining part from 1st Jany 1809 & Judg. accordingly & for costs. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 34, 1812-1814, p. 69 24 May 1814 Burns vs, Donaghe Cont for Deft. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 34, 1814-1815, p. 72 25 May 1814 H. Donaghes Exrs No_ assumpsit & a Jury to wit John Merritt Alexr Hall, Robert Hesster William Adair Andw Hinton Francis Gasser James McKinny Robt Christian James Gardner Jas Astor Henry Spick & William Robertson who find for the Pltf £15.11.11 damages with Int from 9th July 1808 till paid & Judgment accordingly & facias C. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 34, 1814-1815, p. 76 1814 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh same 18 tracts listed in 1813, plus one additional tract transferred form A. Anderson Donaghe Hugh 112 acres on Naked Creek 23 Aug 1814 Barnes vs Donaghes Exrs a Jury was to try the issue to wit, George Gordon William Robertson William Lambert Elijah Churchman Henry Spick Richard Holt jr. Mastin Snider Jacob Yearout Jacob Beard Christian Bomgardner Wilson B. Harpert James Bourland who find for the Pltf forty Dolls damages with Interest from the 5th of May 1811 till & Judg accordingly & for costs. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 34, 1814-1815, p. 123 1815 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his heirs) same 19 tracts as listed in 1814 1815 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Dunnahe Hugh Estate Augusta 562 128W 40 224.80 170 1.70 1815 Rockingham Co., VA, NW Dist., LT Dunahee Hugh Estate Augusta 34 1.73 260 1.00 260.00 2.21 3.44 60 2.18 2.18 Dunaghe Hugh's Eatate Augusta 260 1.00 260.00 .95 1815 Rockingham Co., VA, LT Dunahoo Hughs Estate Augusta Harrisonburg halfanacre 34.00 1 2 same 60.00 1 80 26 Feb 1816 In persuance of an order of the worshipful the County court of Augusta to us directed we have met at the Late dweling house of Hugh Donahe deceased on the 3rd day of January 1810 & being first Sworn have proceeded to appraise the property of the decd. shown us by the Exr. One Negro Man Named Bill aged about 30 years $410 One Do. Woman named Leany old 000 One Do man named Frank aged 30 years 360 One Do Do named Jacob 20 years old 450 One Do Do named David 17 years old 400 One Do Woman Kate 26 years old 400 One Do Negro Boy George aged 15 years 324 One Do Do Jack aged 11 years 300 One Do Girl Susan aged 13 years 270 One Do Girl child Lucy 2 years old 100 One Stud Horse Black aged 75 One Bay Do aged 85 One sonoc.(?) Gelding Bald face 80 One Do. Do. Do. 70 One Bay Mare old 70 One Do. Do. 90 One Gray horse 80 One Bay Horse small 40 One old black horse 12 One Pony 25 One Waggan 50 One Bay mare old 12 One Bay colt 25 One Black Do. 20 Three Cows and one Bull 33 Two calves 5 One Red cow old 10 Two Marked Do. 16 One White and Black do. 14 One Hoiled(?) Heifer 8 Five stack oats 40 Three Stacks Hay 50 One Block and case 20 One Cubboard (corner) 12 One Desk & Book case 20 One Table & oil Cloth 4 One bed Stead (long poasts) cord & c 2.75 To Sundry articles of cubboard furniture 15 One Looking Glass & two Brafean Des(?) 3.50 One Shot Gun 5 Two bed steads & one Candle stand 3.50 Ekeven Windson (?) Chairs 6 One Pair And irons 1 One Obel Crew(?) & a Mattack 2.75 two Kettles (large) 5 4 Dutch Ovens. 3 pots & skillet & 1 Mortar 5 2 Pot Racks 1 Dinig(?) fork hook & sundry Articles of old Iron 1 Coffee 4 Mill bucket, Table Kest Cubbard 1 bed stead in Kitchen 24 One Cotton Wheel 1 flax do. 1 chain 2. Hands 3.50 2 plow sheers & mn chy okd Articles 2.54 1 Dough Chest .25 1 Smothing Iron Spear & sundry ___ ____ _____ 1.75 1 small trunk & many Books 7 1 Do large 3 1 Pistol Brass bound? one Packett Ditto 5 1 fether Bed bolster & Pillows 3 coverlets 2 quilts & 1 sheet 27 1 Do. bolster & Pillows with slips 2 sheets 3 blankets 2 Corn? sides ) 1 quilt ) 35 one feather Bed bolster & Pillows 2 sheets 3 Blankets 1 Counterspread ) and two coverlets 35 one Set bed curtins 3 hand towels 5 table clothes & eight M___ curtains 18 one B____ & cover 7 one case and 2.50 one sugar canister 1 sett knives & forks 4 Silver tea spoons 2 1 frying pan 1 pair tongs & 1 flat iron 1.50 twenty lbs. Coffee at 30 cts per lb 6 178 lbs sugar at 12 1/2 cts per lb 16 1 okd saddle & plated sturips ____ & Bridle Plated Bit 7 A Memorandum of Bonds Notes & Bills found ana___ Hugh Donaghe Decd. James Edmondson's Bond due March 18th 1808 august Interest paid 2666.67 John Browns Note Due Aug 6th 1802 50 Archabald Mut_ts Bond Febuary 23rd 1808 337.37 John Johnsons Note February 22nd 1803 50 John Browns Note February 23rd 1808 549.92 George Rolands Note Sept 2nd 1809 110 Wm. Marshalls Note Adjusted by James Edmondsons pa____ ) August 12th 1812 Interest thereon from the 12th August 1809 ) 1111.11 Wm. S. Bayly bond assigned by James Cochran Due Nov 7 1809 200 Wm. S. Bayly bond assigned by Wm. Cochran due Nov 1 1809 200 John & Jacob Cooks bond due Sept 6th 1809 93.83 James Edmondsons bond due Sept 6th 1804 subject to a credit of $150 280 John Hearsey (Rockbridge) bond assigned by Wm. Cochran due ) Nov 1st 1810 ) 166.66 John Kenneys Note assigned by William Cookson due November 1st 1811 166.66 John Kenneys Note assigned by James Cochran due November 1st 1812 166.66 John Kenneys Note assigned by Wm. Cochran due November 1st 1809 166.66 John Proriro due July 8th 1808 166.66 Adam Orbaugh & Jacob Cooks Notes due Sept 23rd 1809 7.67 Thomas Sausons Note due February 7th 1800 58 Henry Santis & A . . . Edes? Due january 1st 1801 116.66 Ashan? Batemans? Note due Jany 1st 1801 116.66 Samuel Miller & Henry Millers bond due August 16th 1809 500 John Lusk & Cluies Note due Sept 23rd 1809 4.83 Wm. Scotts Note due July the 7th 1808 subject to a credit of $200 100 Wm. Scotts Note Due December 7th 1808 133.33 Samuel Harriss Note due September 10th 1807 100 Samuel Harriss Note due September 10th 1809 10 Daniel Funks Note due March 9th 1810 10 John Lasiter Senr. & John Lasiter Junr. Note Sept. 23rd 1806 29.17 Adam Note due August 2nd 1809 10 John Deurissons Note Due Sept 11th 1807 50 John Garth Saml Miller & others there Due 21 April 1808 600 Abram Yeets on a Bill due February 6th 1810 10 Joseph Rogers Note due 23d Sept 1809 24.66 3 batch? Notes $100 each 300 6 pieces Gold 39.75 9n? Silver 33.75 Name? Seales? 1 1 Silver Watch 5 1 Do Do 8 5 Barrels Flour @ $4 per Bushell 20 5 _ Hackled? Flax @ 25 cts per _ 1.50 1 Barrel Lard? _ase 3.50 1 old side Saddle 1 B_C____ & ______ _____ 4 1 Bagg & Wool 4.50 1 Side Saddle 5 1 Trunk & cotton board old Coffee Mill 2.50 4 Bushels of corn _______ at 4/ pr Bushel " " 9 Barrels flour at 45 cts pr Bush " " 8 pair C___ M____ at _ pr pair 8 1 piece Bridle leather 1.50 1 Cotton & Mortingate? 1.25 1 Piece of Gingam __ .75 1 Pair Steelyards? 1.75 1 Saddle plated sturips & one ____bridle Bit 13 1 Tub of pickle pork 20 25 bushels wheet at Goches? at 75 cts pr Bushel 18.76 35 Do Rafe at same place at Do pr bushel 26.26 58 Do wheat at maunghes at 83 cts pr bushel 48.14 2 1/2 bushels oats at 3/ pr bushel 1.25 Buck wheat in Barn 1.17 Hay in the meadow 40.00 Some Wheat seed .70 James Allen Peter Hanger James Allen jr. At a court held for Augusta County February the 26th 1816 This Inventory & appraisment of Hugh Donaghe decd. being Returned to the Court is ordered to be Recorded. Teste Erasmus Stribling C.C. VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 12, p. 118-123 Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 35, 1815-1816, p. 161 1816 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his heirs) same 19 tracts as listed in 1814 1816 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Dunahe Hugh Estate Augusta 562 acres North River 30E 40 224.80 1 681/2 1817 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (his heirs) same 19 tracts as listed in 1814 the list was partially repeated below with this note, "Rectified from the late assessment list." Donaghe Hugh (heirs) Augusta Co. 1000 ) on the road from Staunton to Vizle? town against Rate/acre .44 Valuation 440.00 Taxes 3.00 207 ) Jacob Boon Peter Bryant .72 149.54 1.12 ( 100 on the middle run against Abm Garber 2.54 254.00 1.92 ( 88 Jacob Hamlent 2.93 277.84 1.94 54 ) on the north river adjoining James Craig .50 27.00 .20 232 ) Robert Campbell 1.01 234.32 1.73 ( 50 on the Detur of naked Creek adjoin .72 36.27 ( 159 ing , Line & Joseph Rankin & 1.44 228.96 1.72 ( 50 .44 22.00 .17 ( 50 .50 25.00 .17 81/2 ) .50 4.25 .03 112 ) 1.29 144.48 1.08 1817 Augusta Co., LT, Corporation of Staunton Donaghe Hugh Estate 3 lots, 2 parts of lot 5, part of lot 12 1817 Rockingham Co., VA, NW Dist., LT Donaghe Hughs Estate Augusta 2.60 1.00 260.00 1.95 1817 Rockingham Co., VA, LT Donaghes Hughs Estate Augusta Harrisburg 34.00 $1.12 same 60.00 1.80 1817 Rockingham Co., VA, William Herron Comm., LT Dunahee Hughs Estate Augusta 562 North River 12S .25 37 .50 .28 21 Apr 1817 At a special court held at the courthouse of Augusta County this 21st day of April 1817 agreeable to an act of the General Assembly in cases of trouble only and determine and by virtue of a complaint & warrant of Archibald Stuart executor of Hugh Donaghe deceased against Jacob Long Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 36, 1816-1818, p. 193 26 Apr 1817 Donaghe vs Long forceble Entry & By consent of the Justices the cause is continued until Saturday next & the Jury & witnesses summond are ready. Adjourned until that time. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 36, 1816-1818, p. 194 3 May 1817 The court having been adjd until today for the purpose of trying a case of forcible entry and determine Archibald Stuart Execution of Hugh Donaghe deceased Plaintiff agt Jacob Long defendant: the Sherif returned a list of Jurors summoned by him in pe___ and of the warrant on_ of whom & the bystanders were chosen by lot a Jury to wit Bennett Brady, Robert Kenney, Joseph Wright, James McGonigal, John B. Moses, Francis Brown,William Bonny, William Young, John Reed, John Dennison, John Crawford and William Carroll who being charged on oaths will truely to try whether the Defendant Jacob Long against the consent of the plaintiff, hold possession of the tenemant mentioned in the complaint filed in this cause: whether the sd Deft hath so held possession thereof against the consent of the pltf, for three years next before the exhibition of the said complaint; and whether the pltf hath the right of possession in the tenement aforesaid the and figures to wit, evidence and the agreement of council returned a verdict in the following words We the Jury find that the defendant did not at the time of the exhibition of the complaint filed in this Court, hold possession of the tenement thereon mentioned, against the consent of the plaintiff; that the said Defendant hath not so held possession thereof against the consent of the plaintiff for three years next before the exhibition of said conplaint; and that the Plaintiff hath not the right of possession in the tenement aforesaid. Whereupon it is considered by the court that the said complaint of the said pltf be dismissed and that the Deft recover agt him full costs by him about his Defence in this behalf expended. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 36, 1816-1818, p. 205-6 28 Aug 1817 Donaghe Exr vs. Sorrell cont at Defts Costs Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 36, 1816-1818, p. 312 26 Mar 1818 Donaghe exr vs. Sorrell cont. Plff. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 37, 1818-1820, p. 44 1818 Augusta Co., LT, Corporation of Staunton Hugh Donaghe Estate Addison Waddell C pt. 5 Value 130.00 Taxes 3.90 Laurence Trompe B pt. 5 100.00 3.00 John Wayt B pt. 12 120.00 2.60 1818 Rockingham Co., VA, NW Dist., LT Donaghe Hughs Estate Augusta Harrisburg 34.00 1.12 same same 62.00 1.80 28 May 1818 Donaghe exr. vs. Sorrell cont for deft. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 37, 1181-1820, p. 91 27 Jul 1818 Donaghe exr vs. Barger Deft called not appearing Execution awarded Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 37, 1818-1820, p. 116 27 Oct 1818 Donaghes Exrs vs Lewis Jewell. covenants payment plead, replication, issue and a Jury sumd, to wit: Jasper Snyder, William Adair, John Sperry, Henry Snyder, Robert Mc Dowell, John Holmes, Henry A. McCormick, David G. Harding, John Backensted?, Robert Roberts, Perez Hannem, and Matthew Jameson who find for the Pltf £40 Damages with Interest from the 1st March 1809 till paid, subject to a writ for £26 paid the 1st December 1809. Judgment accordingly and for costs. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 37, 1818-1820, p. 179 25 Jan 1819 A report and settlement of the Estate of Hugh Donaghe decd. as to John Donaghe one of the executors, being rendered is ordered to be recorded. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 37, 1818-1820, p. 213 25 Jan 1819 The Estate of Hugh Donaghe Decd. ___ ___ with the admr. of John Donaghe decd. who was Exr. of the said Hugh D Doanghe decd. Do. 1810 Jany 21st No. 1 John Wayt 29.07 Feb. 17 2 Elizabeth Campbell 10.00 21 3 William Campbell 100 March 9 4 Daniel Funk 30 21 5 Hugh M. Donaghe 166.67 22 6 William Campbell 66.67 June 12 7 Robert Campbell 166.67 July 20 8 Sarah Usher 10 1811 Jany 18 9 Hugh Campbell 166.67 " Do Do 16.92 " do do 10.67 28 10 Peter Moore .63 March 2 11 Sarah Usher 10 May 1 12 James Campbell 18.88 June 18 13 John Cok 3.75 20 14 Keilson Campbell 20.00 July 23 Do Do By Wm. Campbell 117.25 Augt. 6 15 William Earvin Jnr. Saml Earvin 30.09 Dec. 15 16 Joseph Wayland 18.58 17 To amount of my Totaling and private ase laher from his ) 39.38 Memorandum ) ______ 1042.90 To Commission on _______ 62.57 ______ 1105.47 Balance due 282.35 _______ $1387.82 1810 Estate of Hugh Donaghe decd. Cr. January 18 By Cash on Hand at His death and at the sale which did not ) 372.96 amount to a note ) 8.40 20 lb Coffee at 30 lb Suga at 121/2 one Piano property of Hugh Donaghe decd. appraised and not sold 29 By Joseph Rogers note of Hand & Interest up to the 18th day 24.77 February 1810 which note was due Sept 2nd 1809 .49 1 Do on Grebought and Cok decd. Sept 2nd 1809 7.67 Interest till 18th January 1810 .18 Oct 11th Received of Robt. Campbell 2 Bonds amounting to 169 Bry and of Interest rec. of Cook 60 1811 Do of John Cook 120 Jany 18th John Donaghe _uns appearance of the ase of sales purchased the amt. of $98. 88 which I have charged with the exposition of the credit of said sale 328.11 1 Note on Chald orten for his purchase at the sale 56.67 1 Do Robt. Campbell Ser. 20.11 1/2 1 Do Willsons Campbell 71 1 Do M. ochiltree for hire of Josiah 9 1 on James Hook for the hire of Cate 30.26 1 on Robt. McClind 4.56 1 on Hugh Campbell 29.68 1 on Benjamin Landis 39.76 1 do on Hy _chell 114.83 ______ 1387.83 VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 12, p. 444 1 May 1818 grant to Martin Orebough of 71/4 acres on North River joining the lands of Joseph Bell, Hugh Donaghee, decd. & Jacob Boon. VA Abstracted Patents and Grants, Augusta Co., p. 243 1819 Augusta Co., LT, Corporation of Staunton Hugh Donaghe Estate Addison Waddell C pt. 5 130.00 3.90 Laurence Trompe B pt. 5 100.00 3.00 Joseph Smith B pt. 12 120.00 3.60 1819 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh (heirs) 1000 ) on the Viages? town road adjoining 207 ) Joseph Townson land Jno. Donaghe (100 on the middle river adjoining ( 88 Abm Garber & Jas. D. Beard 54 ) on the middle river adjoining Jas. 232 ) Craig & Robt Campbell 50 159 ) on the waters of naked Creek 50 ) & north river 50 ) 81/2 ) on naked Creek adjoining 112 ) John Bowers & Graves? Donagh Hugh M. 150 adjoining the corner of John Draft? 1.29 195.50 1.45 50 .21 12.50 .10 Donaghe Hugh Jun 208 north river adjoining G. Gillady .44 117.92 .89 1819 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Dunahoo Hughs Estate Agusta 562 North River 12S .40 224.80 1.69 1819 Rockingham Co., VA, LT Donaghe Hughs Estate Augusta 1/2 Harrisburg 34.00 1.12 1820 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hughs Est. 100 ) on the middle river adj. Abm Garber & Jas. D. Beard 88 ) ( 54 on the north river adj. James Craig & Robert Campbell ( 232 50 ) 159 ) on the waters of the north river & naked creek adj. to & 50 ) Saml.Rankin 50 ) ( 81/2 ( 112 on a branch of naked creek adj. John _____ & John Bowers Donaghe Hugh M. res. Indiana 150 ) 50 ) on the north side of naked creek adj. Jno. Rankin & Rockingham line 1820 Augusta Co., LT, Corporation of Staunton Hugh Donaghe's Heirs Addison Waddell B pt. 5 2000 1300 100 3.90 Laurence Trompe B pt. 5 2500 1700 100 3.00 1820 Rockingham Co., VA, SE Dist., LT Donahe Hughs Est. Augusta 562 North River 12S 10 100 5620 7 3 1820 Rockingham Co., VA, LT Hugh Donaghes Est Rockingham 1/2 3 218.75 43 75 34.00 1.12 Wm Bushwell to pay Augusta 1/4 9 875 437 50 .00 1.80 24 May 1820 Sorrells vs. Donaghe Exr. cont for deft. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 38, 1820-1822, p. 29 24 May 1820 Donaghe vs. Rankin plea waived & Judt. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 38, 1820-1822, p. 32 24 May 1820 Donaghe adm. vs. Rankin off Judt set aside payt plead in gled rept & issued Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 38, 1820-1822, p. 38 24 Jul 1820 Donaghe adm vs. Crawford etc. in Ditu Bond notified proved and Execution awarded the deft was called & not appearing. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 38, 1820-1822, p. 63 1821 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh Est. 100 ) 88 ) on the middle river adj. Abm. Garber & Jas. D. Beard ( 54 ( 232 on the north river adj. James Craig 50 ) 159 ) on the waters of the south river & naked creek 50 ) adj. Jasper & Saml. Rankin 50 ) ( 81/2 ( 112 on naked creek adj. Page & Crawford & Jno. Bowers 210 adj. William C. Donaghe 1821 Augusta Co., LT, corporation of Staunton Hugh Donaghe Heirs 1 lot Laurence Trompe C pt. 5, 2500 1700 100 2.25 27 Aug 1821 Final account of the estate of Hugh Donaghe, decd., by Exr. Archibald Stuart, listing of grandchildren with year legacy paid: 1810 Jno Donaghe's legacy £1000 $3333.34 1810 Mrs. Campbells do £500 $1666.67 1810 James Campbells legacy £50 $166.67 1810 John Nichol's his wifes do £50 $166.67 1810 Sarah Campbell her legacy $166.67 1810 James Campbell's wife her legacy $166.67 1810 Elizabeth Chesnut her legacy $166.67 1810 Margaret Chesnut her do $166.67 1810 Sarah Stockton her legacy $166.67 1810 James Blake his legacy £50 $166.67 1811 Sarah Donaghe's legacy (Jno daughter) £50 $166.67 1811 Hugh Blake his legacy £50 $166.67 1811 Willson Campbell his legacy £50 $166.67 1813 Jane Stevenson legacy £50 $166.67 1813 Elizabeth Rochester legacy £50 $166.67 1813 Hugh C. Campbell his legacy £50 $166.67 1818 Jane Clarke legacy £50 $166.67 VA, Augusta Co., Will Book 13, p. 371-393 23 Oct 1821 A Settlement of the Estate of Hugh Donaghe decd being returned and sanctioned by the Exrs the Court the Law is ordered to be recorded. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 38, 1820-1822, p. 317 1822 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh Est. 11 tracts, same as in 1821 22 Jul 1822 A deed of bargain and Sale from Archibald Stuart Executor of Hugh Donaghe deceased to Rice W. Wood was this day presented in Court and acknowledged by the said Stuart and ordered to be recorded. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 39, 1822-1823, p. 3 1823 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh heirs 100 ) on the middle river adj. Abraham Garber & James D. Beard 88 ) ( 50 ( 159 ( 50 on the waters of the north river and Naked Creek ( 50 29 May 1823 Emmanual Lord vs. Donaghe Died at the costs of the Defandant Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 40, 1823-1825, p. 31 24 Jun 1823 A Commission and award made in possession thereof between Archibald Stuart Exr of Hugh Donaghe decd. and Joseph Bell was presented in court, & proved by the oath of John Cochran a witness thereto as to Joseph Bell. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 40, 1823-1825, p. 48 1824 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh heirs 6 tracts, same as 1823 31 Mar 1825 Donaghe's Exr against Connally. the office Judgments set aside payment pleading _______ genl replecation Issue & c. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 40, 1823-1825, p. 374 1825 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh heirs's 6 tracts, same as 1823 22 Aug 1825 Donaghes Exr vs. Connally Plea annexed & Judgmt fr especialty Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 40, 1823-1825, p. 420 22 Aug 1825 Donaghes Exr vs. Connally ti on a Delivery bond Notice proved & execution awarded the Defendant being called and not appearing. Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book 40, 1823-1825, p. 452 1826 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's heirs 6 tracts, same as 1823 1827 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres waters of Naked Creek & N. River, adj Jas. Donaghe, 150 A. transfd. to Jas. Donaghe 1828 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres waters of Naked Creek and N. River, adj. Jas. Donaghe 1829 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres waters of Naked creek adj. Jas. Donaghe 1830 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. same as 1829 1831 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. same as 1829 1832 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. same as 1829 1833 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres Waters of Naked Creek 1834 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres Waters of Naked Creek 1835 Augusta Co., LT, Dist. 2 Donaghe Hugh's Est. 159 acres Waters of Naked Creek, [last year listed] 1 May 1852 Grant to Armstrong Rankin of 4 acres, 1 rod, 8 poles joining Danl. Whitmore and Thomas Donaghe etc. VA Abstracted Patents and Grants, Augusta Co., p. 258