If you are a commercial game designer and are interested
in having me write the story for your game, click here.
If you are interested in exploring my new site, click...
Well, wait a moment.
Before you pop in and explore my new site, you should
know a few things about it.
First, there's quite a bit of graphics and the like. My main
site gives detailed and illustrated insights
into my books. There's pictures, music, and even frames. You'll
need to have inline graphics and music enabled in your browser,
and you should enable frames.
Second, you should at least have Internet Explorer or Firefox. For IE, you should have the 3.0 or higher version. For Firefox, you should have the 1.0 version or higher (and the Quicktime plugin to play music). I used to reccommend Netscape, but since AOL has fiddled with it extensively I just can't guarantee compatibility with Netscape anymore (sad, but true). The website works in the version of Netscape I have on my machine (4.03), but that's all I can tell you. If you have Mosaic, AMosaic (hello, Amiga users!), Opera or Safari, yes, the website SHOULD work for your browser, but you may need plugins to play music or show images on some pages. If it doesn't work for you, e-mail me and tell me what happened and I'll try to fiddle with it to get it to work for you. Lynx users, well, there's lots of pictures inside, I'm afraid things won't work for you - you'll need another browser.
Mozilla Firefox is my best reccomendation - the download is free and rather small, installation is a breeze, and it has much better security than IE. If you would like to download either of the above two browsers, click the appropriate image, below. If you're a long-time, die-hard IE user (like me) and want to know why I am reccommending Firefox, click here.
Third, you should also have Javascript enabled in your browser - which you do!
Lastly, all the images, text and music on this website are copyrighted.
That means you may not use anything on this
website for your own webpages without express written
permission. For the most part, all the music is mine, and
most (but not all) of the images are mine. Those that aren't mine
I have recieved permission from the copyright holder to use, and
in some cases I am paying a royalty fee. Please don't
steal from me, I won't like it. Also, please do not link
to any image or MIDI file on these pages. It's called
'crossloading', and it's a very bad thing. Link to my pages,
not my graphics or my music. If you can't agree to that, if
you're the kind of person who thinks that copyright is morally
wrong and you should be allowed to do anything you wish, click here.
Alright - now that you've read all the above, if
you're still interested in exploring, click